Social and emotional services at St Mary's Priory
Our school's approach to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children at St Mary's and their families falls into three tiers:
1. All children have access to the 'whole school offer' which includes:
- Weekly assemblies
- Weekly PSHE lessons
- Zones of Regulation check-ins
- Playground Buddies
- Wellbeing Awareness Days/Weeks
- Lunchtime/After School Enrichment Clubs
2. For children who may benefit from additional support they will be involved in interventions:
- One to-one-counselling
- Speech and Language Therapy Service
- Art therapy
- Social skills groups
- One-to-one mentoring
- Welfare check-ins
3. We also provide support to children requiring specialist support via a referral to:
- Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Haringey CAMHS-Learning Difficulties
- Education Psychologist
- Children's Social Care