Pupil Voice from our leaders
Welcome to our pupil voice page. Every year, we all get a chance to be elected into one of three different pupil voice teams: School Council, Year 6 Saints' House Captains and Vice Captains, and (from summer term 2023) the Green Council. Before we can be elected, we write our own campaign speeches, deliver them to our classmates, and finally hold our breaths while they go to the ballot box and cast their votes. Our voices are very important to the school and our ideas and initiatives are listened to and acted upon.
To see what each team is focusing on at the moment, keep reading!
School Council
What do we do?
A big hello from the School Council. We would like to welcome you to our wonderful school where we are all different, all equal and all smiling! Our job, as members of the School Council, is to represent the views of all the children in our school. We do this by discussing important issues, feeding back to classes and helping to make St Mary's Priory the best place to learn! The School Council have meetings every two weeks, so if you have anything you would like to talk to us about, please come and find us! The school values are important to us, and we will try to promote them in school in all we do. Have a look at our pictures and the information on our display near the office!
What have we been up to?
We have been very busy lately discussing how to promote online safety, setting our school values, and how these can fit in with our mission statement, and of course discussing matters brought to us by our classmates.
This term we will continue to provide opportunities for classes to share their ideas and concerns by speaking to their School Council Representatives.
Year 6 Saints' House Captains and Vice Captains
What do we do?
Our job as the House Captains/Vice Captains is to be role models at all times to all members of our school community. We do this by ensuring the life and values of our house saints are known by everyone in school; we do this by leading school assemblies on our own saints' feast day. We encourage everyone to earn house points for each team, helping them to understand the importance of working together.
What have we been up to?
Last term, we lead the Stations of the Cross, which was held during our period of Lent and parents and pupils walked our prayer pilgrimage together. This term, we are busy planning a House Captains Day, where money will be raised for a chosen charity through a fun day of activities in school.